
Discover TVA Incentives

TVA offers a unique range of economic incentives that will benefit your project from start-up to long-term success in the Valley. Calculating TVA incentives is accomplished using both economic and power system metrics to create a profile of your company’s value to the region, and that, in turn, determines appropriate funding levels. Our goal is to help you obtain the financial assistance necessary to make establishing and growing your business in the TVA region a reality.

Contact us to learn more about ways TVA incentives can work to your advantage.



Investment Credit

The Investment Credit is an economic development incentive program jointly offered by TVA and participating local power companies. This performance-based program rewards companies for five or 10-year economic and energy benefits associated with their new/expanded operations. Awards are applied as a credit to monthly power bills. Most companies can expect a 10-20 percent savings annually over a five or 10-year period.

Performance Grant

Through the Performance Grant program, TVA makes an investment in competitive economic development projects for new and expanding companies in the TVA region. Award amounts are paid directly to the company and are flexible for approved purposes. Funding amounts are based upon the five-year economic impact of the project and made at the discretion of TVA Economic Development.

Workforce +

Workforce + provides additional incentive to new or expanding companies with a significant focus on providing resources to an eligible talent pipeline development program.

SOC Performance Grant

SOC Performance Grant makes an investment in competitive economic development projects in Special Opportunity Counties in the TVA region.