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Discover our Valley Region
Our seven-state region is located in the Southeastern region of the United States. Rich with natural resources and an abundant workforce, we look forward to welcoming you to the Tennessee Valley.
Stronger Together
From the rolling foothills of the Great Smoky Mountains to the roaring Mississippi River, our 80,000 square mile service region covers all of Tennessee and parts of Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky, North Carolina, Mississippi, and Virginia.
In the News
Glaukos Corporation to Establish Operations in Huntsville, Alabama
Glaukos Corporation, a global ophthalmic pharmaceutical and medical technology company, announced plans to establish operations in Huntsville, Madison County, Alabama. Plans for the project include creating 154 new jobs and investing more than $82 million in the company’s research, development, and manufacturing facility. Economic development partners include Huntsville Utilities, Huntsville-Madison County Chamber of Commerce, City of Huntsville, Alabama Department of Commerce,…
Kitchen Food Co., Announces Plans to Establish Operations in Hopkinsville, Kentucky
Kitchen Food Co., a global prepared foods producer, announced plans to establish operations in Hopkinsville, Kentucky. The company plans to locate in the Hopkinsville-Christian County Spec Building, which was assisted by TVA InvestPrep program, creating 925 jobs and investing $69 million in the company’s new world-class facility. This project marks the largest job-creation announcement in…
Performance Food Group to Expand Operations in Hamblen County, Tennessee
Performance Food Group, a foodservice company, announced plans to expand operations in Hamblen County. Plans for the project include creating 37 new jobs and investing $33 million its Morristown facility. Economic development partners include Morristown Utilities, the Morristown Area Chamber of Commerce, and the Tennessee Department of Economic and Community Development. This project furthers TVA’s…